Project Timer running ProjectTimer 

Project time tracking for Windows

ProjectTimer is a free light-weight, but still powerful time tracker application for Windows that runs in the taskbar notification area. ProjectTimer allows you to manage how much time you've spent on your projects. Timesheets help you to assist you with your workflow for administrating, billing and invoicing hours. It features an easy installation and clean uninstall.

ProjectTimer | 25-03-2025 | 6.58 mb - x64

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Project Timer latest releases

Project Timer – Major release

Project-Timer-for-Windows Version | Added on 25-03-2025 | Filesize: 6.58 mb 

Major release. Distributed version with latest bugfixes. Download Project Timer.

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Project-Timer-for-Windows Changes in (25-03-2025)
Changes (25-03-2025)
- Issue in saving invoice PDF options solved


Project Timer – Minor release

Project-Timer-for-Windows Version | Added on 04-12-2024 | Filesize: 0.00 mb

Minor release.

Project-Timer-for-Windows Changes in (04-12-2024)
- Fixed issue with user management
- Extended import and export of client details to CSV 


Project Timer - Major (25-03-2025)

Changes (25-03-2025)
- Issue in saving invoice PDF options solved

Project Timer - Major (17-01-2025)

Changes (17-01-2025)
- Store client number on cloud.
- Toggle timer in past uses remnant seconds with 'On time'
- Invoice Filter on same client and added filter options
- Support for US address notations in Invoice PDF exports

Project Timer - Major (26-05-2023)

- Invoice remembers previous settings
- Fixed issue in user settings
- Improvements for PDI (scaling)
- Server update.
- Minor improvements

Project Timer - Major (27-01-2023)

- Fixed issue in adding activity on new (empty) non-cloud project.
- Updated Create Invoice Selected activities as default
- Remember Budget settings in create invoice
- Grid font and font size made customizable

Project Timer - Major (14-09-2022)

- Fixed issue in adding activity on new (empty) non-cloud project.

Project Timer - Major (09-09-2022)

- Fixed issue in user settings
- Bug fix when adding activity on empty project
- Option to find on modified from-date in project cloud selection
- Added export to CSV for clients
- Style of HTML report export updated

Project Timer - Major (11-02-2022)

- Issue in invoices fixed.
- Server update.
- Fixed issue in user settings
- Memory issue resolved.
- DPI issues fixed.
- Small issues fixed.

Project Timer - Major (09-04-2021)

- Client management improved.
- Issue in invoices fixed.
- Memory issue resolved.
- DPI issues fixed.
- Small issues fixed.

Project Timer - Major (30-12-2020)

- Team trial reminder fixed.
- User management improved.
- Memory issue fixed.
- various DPI issues fixed.
- Small issues fixed.

Project Timer - Major (28-08-2020)

- Option for global project attribute.
- Shortcut for saving data (ctrl-s)
- Table dropdown button hit area for 4K fixed
- Add project preset radio button editor focus fixed
- Memory issue in Invoice Reports fixed
- New styling for sync status label
- Small issues fixed.

Project Timer - Major (31-07-2020)

- Corrected close button on cloud trial notification bar.
- DPI Issues in GUI fixed
- Table drop down button click area issue fixed.
- Fixed 'add report' set editor focus to correct selection.
- Small issues fixed.

Project Timer - Minor (26-06-2020)

- Corrected close button on cloud trial notification bar.
- Small issues fixed.

Project Timer - Major (19-06-2020)

- Issue with connection warning at startup fixed.
- VAT number check issue fixed.
- DPI Issues in GUI fixed
- Updated interface design cloud trial
- Added cloud trial notification bar.
- Small issues fixed.

Project Timer - Major (05-04-2020)

- Connection error suppressed
- DPI issue in grids fixed
- Issue with next/previous month in license view fixed.
- Trial window layout improved and sanitised.
- Trial allows for more than 5 trial users.
- Mollie new subscription order title size fixed
- Remember order data on cancel for next try
- Order finalized webpage fixed for cancelled orders
- Add project dialog allows adding team members directly
- Option to remove cloud credentials in settings

Project Timer - Minor (08-03-2020)

- Column size of reports adjusted
- Alert on cloud disconnection by error (every 2 hours)
- Reminder on cloud disconnection at startup (every 24 hours)
- Option to remove disconnection reminder in settings
- Activate main screen directly from tray menu
- Added project search on activity status and task

Project Timer - Major (28-02-2020)

- Release complete 64 bit version of Project Timer
- Two years of 64 bit parallel development now live in version 3
- Added project tags for identifying and filtering projects
- Changed active color to yellow (Project Timer style color)
- Added CSV import of clients
- Fixed PDI issues for 4K
- Fixed issue in data file
- Fixed issue in shut down
- Fixes memory leak in invoice export
- DPI fix Font toolbar in client editor
- DPI fix dropdown in grid
- DPI fix in project list hover state
- DPI fix task editor in popup
- DPI fix task dropdown in popup
- Projects search box
- DPI fix project icon
- Invoice template classic extra style options
- Invoice template modern extra style options

Project Timer - Major (12-11-2019)

- Fixed issue in data file
- Fixed issue in shut down

Project Timer - Major (27-09-2019)

- Added: Option to cancel subscription
- Updated: Invoice template modern option to set title and colors
- Fixed: Invoice template modern paymetn due period
- Updated: Invoice template timelessoption to set color
- Fixed issue in user settings
- Added: Option to change color of invoice templates

Project Timer - Minor (13-09-2019)

- Added: Option to cancel subscription
- Updated: Invoice template modern option to set title and colors
- Fixed: Invoice template modern paymetn due period
- Updated: Invoice template timelessoption to set color
- Fixed issue in user settings
- Added: Option to change color of invoice templates

Project Timer - Major (28-06-2019)

- Fix: Issue with user group management as admin
- Fix: Cannot open HTML report in some cases.
- Fix: Update prices and payment data before buy.
- Fix: Report setting 'Show Decimal Times' saved.
- Fix: Made icons on buttons PDI aware

Project Timer - Minor (27-06-2019)

- Fix: Issue with user group management as admin

Project Timer - Major (07-06-2019)

- New: ProjectTimer is free software
- New: Cloud team subscription added (payed service)
- New: Two new invoice templates available
- New: Two report print/pdf templates available
- New: Timer exports made available
- New: Report HTML and CSV exports made available
- New: Automated cloud team trial option
- New: Cloud team user management interface
- New: Cloud debug log
- New: Removed splash screen
- Fix: Password option removed
- Fix: Fix price activities summed wrong in report
- Fix: Fix price activities summed wrong in invoices
- Fix: Text in menu 'Move to archive' changed to 'Move from archive' on archived project
- Fix: Issue in user management where password reset was sometimes not working
- Fix: Issue in use rmanagement where adding user was sometimes not working

Project Timer - Minor (30-03-2019)

- Added moderator option (Moderator can do pretty anything an Owner can do)
- Move cursor to active activity after sync
- Fixed issue with crash on long cloud action
- Sync timeout after edit.

Project Timer - Major (26-10-2018)

- Option to start project with default task
- Additional setting to filter projects on activity in 1 month
- Minor bugs resolved

Project Timer - Major (06-07-2018)

- Reverse Sort for Client drop-downs
- Set local project into cloud
- User notification fixed (optional enabled)
- Cloud subscription 'lost' when off-line fixed
- Default reminder interval to disabled.
- Project search with F3
- Minor bugs resolved

Project Timer - Major (13-05-2018)

Changes (13-05-2018)
- Show project empty status in add-project dialogs
- Decimal time resolution in reports

Project Timer - Minor (13-04-2018)

Changes (13-04-2018)
- Issues fixed when internet connection is unavailable
- Bug toggle timer in past Fixed
- New icon for project settings

Project Timer - Minor (09-03-2018)

Changes (09-03-2018)
- Restricted user option that allows only timing of activities

Project Timer - Major (16-02-2018)

Changes (16-02-2018)
- Paste password with spaces fixed
- New icons in interface
- Project icon follows project color
- Save detailed report CSV format update
- Option to not open PDF
- New invoice opens all settings
- User management updated
- Non standard currency issue in tables fixed
- Admin user save issue fixed
- Option to retrieve cloud projects by selection
- Filter in group grid

Project Timer - Minor (16-11-2017)

- Option for contact name before client name
- Remember last settings for add project dialog
- Use autocompletion for available projects in add project dialog
- More digits for decimal time
- Export detailed CSV
- Directly save password after connect

Project Timer - Major (24-10-2017)

- Option for showing budgets in reports
- Single instance issue fixed to prevent data loss when starting new Project Timer
- Workaround for tray-icon issue.
- Feature to drag project to top by dragging to divider
- Fixed issue with cloud

Project Timer - Major (20-10-2017)

- Option for showing budgets in reports
- Single instance issue fixed to prevent data loss when starting new Project Timer
- Workaround for tray-icon issue.
- Feature to drag project to top by dragging to divider

Project Timer - Major (13-10-2017)

- communication protocol update 1.04
- Issues fixed of save procedure
- automatic rotating backup with three archives.
- exception on cloud gracefully catched
- User management features

Project Timer - Major (07-07-2017)

- Issues fixed of save procedure
- automatic rotating backup with three archives.
- cloud logon prepared for future cloud update
- exception on cloud gracefully catched

Project Timer - Minor (06-07-2017)

- Issues fixed of save procedure
- automatic rotating backup with three archives.
- cloud logon prepared for future cloud update
- exception on cloud gracefully catched

Project Timer - Minor (17-03-2017)

- Save of data on QueryEndSession to prevent data corruption when closing Windows
- Prevent exceptions from cloud operations

Project Timer - Major (03-02-2017)

- Task description changed not applied fixed (#831)
- Idle time warning setting (#830)
- Text in activity in popup not saved fixed
- Option to delete report settings (#805)
- Stopping an activity resets the 'default' status (#808).
- Option to include local projects in report filtered on the current cloud user (#807)
- Task dropdown list updated correctly for concerned project
- Many other small bug fixes

Project Timer - Major (06-01-2017)

- Fixed date format
- Disabled sleep/wake option for cloud projects
- Enabled the delete activity for personal users
- Switch cloud user removes previous cloud projects
- Changed XML to UTF characterset
- Connection denied correctly handled
- Reset icon color to default when inactive (optional)
- Optional report in decimal times (1.5h instead of 1:30)
- Many issues fixed.

Project Timer - Minor (02-12-2016)

- Fixed date format
- Disabled sleep/wake option for cloud projects
- Enabled the delete activity for personal users
- Partial fix for zero price tasks for read-only price-option (fixed but not extensively tested)
- Fix in drawing running activity
- Switch cloud user removes previous cloud projects
- Many issues fixed.

Project Timer - Major (28-10-2016)

- Create invoice directly from report
- Hamburgermenu for projects in administrate screen: Report, Change Icon, Settings (#788)
- Option to collapse activities in invoice view
- Create invoice dialog with additional invoice options
- Allow deletion of activity with associated closed invoice
- Allow status change of activity with associated invoice
- Option to report only invoiceable items
- Hide prices in report when user is not allowed to see.
- Fix issue in finish date format
- Right click on projects in administrate screen shows popup (#788)
- Option to switch display format of clients
- Improved layout of project filters.

Project Timer - Beta (30-09-2016)

- Create invoice directly from report
- Hamburgermenu for projects in administrate screen: Report, Change Icon, Settings (#788)
- Option to collapse activities in invoice view
- Create invoice dialog with additional invoice options
- Allow deletion of activity with associated closed invoice
- Allow status change of activity with associated invoice
- Option to report only invoiceable items
- Hide prices in report when user is not allowed to see.
- Fix issue in finish date format

Project Timer - Beta (30-09-2016)

- Create invoice directly from report
- Hamburgermenu for projects in administrate screen: Report, Change Icon, Settings (#788)
- Option to collapse activities in invoice view
- Create invoice dialog with additional invoice options
- Allow deletion of activity with associated closed invoice
- Allow status change of activity with associated invoice
- Option to report only invoiceable items
- Hide prices in report when user is not allowed to see.
- Fix issue in finish date format

Project Timer - Major (19-08-2016)

- Feature: Rename cloud-project (#735)
- Feature: Lock closed activities for users with 'personal' rights. (#698)
- Feature: Delete project completely from cloud (#697)
- Feature: Option to change cloud project name (#696)
- Feature: Add field VAT for clients in invoice templates (#654)
- Feature: Option to remove cloud project (#631)
- Feature: Free search selection tool for projects in report
- Feature: Invoice items grouped on project and price in invoices
- Feature: New splash image
- Feature: Shareware cloud validation

Project Timer - Beta (15-07-2016)

- Feature: New splash image
- Feature: Shareware cloud validation

Project Timer - Beta (07-07-2016)

- Feature: Free search selection tool for projects in report
- Feature: Invoice items grouped on project and price in invoices

Project Timer - Beta (24-06-2016)

- Feature: Rename cloud-project (#735)
- Feature: Lock closed activities for users with 'personal' rights. (#698)
- Feature: Delete project completely from cloud (#697)
- Feature: Option to change cloud project name (#696)
- Feature: Add field VAT for clients in invoice templates (#654)
- Feature: Option to remove cloud project (#631)

Project Timer - Major (10-06-2016)

- Feature: Suggest a doubleclick on projectname in trayicon jumps to project>activities (#745)
- Feature: Mouse wheel functionality in Invoice page (#744)
- Bug: Full month names in reports (#742)
- Bug: Sorting Invoices on date with same date strange behaviour (#741)
- Bug: Invoices > Filter on status >> Settings bewaren en default in app is Draft,Submitted,Approved (#732)
- Bug: Scrollwheel in settings page | Taskbar on top traymenu error (#730)
- Bug: Clients > Filter / search client freetext (#717)
- Bug: Default activity duration setting for fresh install should be 60 min (#716)
- Bug: Save filter settings in invoice report. (#702)
- Bug: Volgorde invoice report gaat fout na filtering (#701)
- Bug: Invoice Due not for draft, payed and rejected. (#635)

Project Timer - Minor (03-06-2016)

- Feature: Suggest a doubleclick on projectname in trayicon jumps to project>activities (#745)
- Feature: Mouse wheel functionality in Invoice page (#744)
- Bug: Full month names in reports (#742)
- Bug: Sorting Invoices on date with same date strange behaviour (#741)
- Bug: Invoices > Filter on status >> Settings bewaren en default in app is Draft,Submitted,Approved (#732)
- Bug: Scrollwheel in settings page | Taskbar on top traymenu error (#730)
- Bug: Clients > Filter / search client freetext (#717)
- Bug: Default activity duration setting for fresh install should be 60 min (#716)
- Bug: Save filter settings in invoice report. (#702)
- Bug: Volgorde invoice report gaat fout na filtering (#701)
- Bug: Invoice Due not for draft, payed and rejected. (#635)

Project Timer - Major (04-03-2016)

- Bug: Invoices > Report > Paid invoices: x days overdue for paid projects (#691)
- Feature: Purchase order fields in Invoice (#336)
- Feature: Per project task list option
- Improved interaction of project task list

Project Timer - Beta (12-02-2016)

- Improved interaction of project task list

Project Timer - Minor (05-02-2016)

- Bug: Invoices > Report > Paid invoices: x days overdue for paid projects (#691)
- Feature: Purchase order fields in Invoice (#336)
- Feature: Per project task list option

Project Timer - Major (23-12-2015)

- Bug: Indicate that projects are filtered (#684)
- Bug: DEL key in project windows does not work (#682)
- Bug: Filter archived project also starts activity by mistake and uses prefill activity from 3 lines ago (#681)
- Bug: New project > make active (#679)
- Bug: Select file in Dunes invoice template for weatherimage (#677)
- Bug: Filter crashes PT / last active project is in archived (#673)
- Bug: Only one activity line to move does not work (#671)

Project Timer - Major (11-12-2015)

- Bug in move activities to cloud project (thanks to Y. Brosh)
- Other small bug fixes

Project Timer - Major (04-12-2015)

- Feature: Invoices by default enabled
- Bug: url of cloud upgrade not retrieved correctly (#648)
- Bug: Invoice summary per project (#645)
- Bug: Issue with scroll wheel functionality in reports (#644)
- Feature: Save state of 'add user' dialog (#643)
- Bug: Crash while changing name of activity in popup window (#637)
- Feature: Start projects from admin panel using a hoover over status in Project (see image) (#634)
- Feature: Save state of 'add user' dialog (#643)
- Feature: Option to define user groups in cloud
- Bug: Column Headers in Reports (#657)
- Bug: Prevent duplicates in user selection in add user dialog

Project Timer - Minor (20-11-2015)

- Feature: Save state of 'add user' dialog (#643)
- Feature: Option to define user groups in cloud
- Bug: Column Headers in Reports (#657)

Project Timer - Minor (13-11-2015)

- Feature: Invoices by default enabled
- Bug: url of cloud upgrade not retrieved correctly (#648)
- Bug: Invoice summary per project (#645)
- Bug: Issue with scroll wheel functionality in reports (#644)
- Feature: Save state of 'add user' dialog (#643)
- Bug: Crash while changing name of activity in popup window (#637)
- Feature: Start projects from admin panel using a hoover over status in Project (see image) (#634)

Project Timer - Beta (04-11-2015)

- Bug: url of cloud upgrade not retrieved correctly (#648)
- Bug: Invoice summary per project (#645)
- Bug: Issue with scroll wheel functionality in reports (#644)
- Feature: Save state of 'add user' dialog (#643)
- Bug: Crash while changing name of activity in popup window (#637)
- Feature: Start projects from admin panel using a hoover over status in Project (see image) (#634)

Project Timer - Major (23-10-2015)

- Bug: Starting project while last activity was budget gives incorrect time and price (#619)
- Bug: Invoices reports overview out of screen (#616)
- Bug: Shareware registration windows accepts an extra space in the registration name (#613)
- Bug: Shareware registration windows displays 'Enter WinNc registration' (#612)
- Bug: Drop below archived index out of bound (#609)
- Bug: The 'today' calculation is not showing even though the project totals have values for the day to date. (#607)
- Bug: Bugreport icon stays lit when clicked (#603)
- Feature: Task 'budget' should be default available (#596)
- Feature: Reminder interval default to one hour (#595)
- Feature: Filter projects on client (#622)
- Bug: Suggested description when starting a shared cloud project is from other user and old (#618)
- Bug: First start in Project Timer paints the admin window out of bounds (#587)
- Feature: Arrange projects by the order of “most recently modified” (#583)
- Bug: Wrong Euro / dollar character...

Project Timer - Beta (16-10-2015)

- Feature: Copy and move activities (#630)
- Bug: Ook uren bij budget factureren in beeld en niet editbaar / deletebaar (#624)
- Bug: DPI settings in Windows 10 make the window blurry (@125%) (#586)
- Feature: Start activity from administrate screen. (#542)
- Feature: Improve budget table header color (#539)
- Feature: Timer starten vanuit adminscherm (#531)
- Feature: Merge projects to one project (#517)

Project Timer - Beta (09-10-2015)

- Bug: DPI: In Project activity header client selector to big (#600)
- Bug: DPI: Invoices sidepanel scaling (#599)
- Bug: DPI: Report filters panel scaling (#598)
- Bug: DPI: Activity grid scaling (#597)

Project Timer - Beta (02-10-2015)

- Bug: Starting project while last activity was budget gives incorrect time and price (#619)
- Bug: Invoices reports overview out of screen (#616)
- Bug: Shareware registration windows accepts an extra space in the registration name (#613)
- Bug: Shareware registration windows displays 'Enter WinNc registration' (#612)
- Bug: Drop below archived index out of bound (#609)
- Bug: The 'today' calculation is not showing even though the project totals have values for the day to date. (#607)
- Bug: Bugreport icon stays lit when clicked (#603)
- Feature: Task 'budget' should be default available (#596)
- Feature: Reminder interval default to one hour (#595)
- Feature: Filter projects on client (#622)
- Bug: Suggested description when starting a shared cloud project is from other user and old (#618)
- Bug: First start in Project Timer paints the admin window out of bounds (#587)
- Feature: Arrange projects by the order of “most recently modified” (#583)
- Bug: Wrong Euro / dollar character...

Project Timer - Beta (28-08-2015)

- Bug: Drop below archived index out of bound (#609)
- Bug: The 'today' calculation is not showing even though the project totals have values for the day to date. (#607)
- Feature: Reminder intervel default to one hour (#595)

Project Timer - Minor (14-08-2015)

- Bug: Amount displays all open project including the archived one > display only active projects (#569)
- Bug: Close all action not synchronized, so is lost in the cloud (#567)
- Bug: Default activity duration in settings not correct shown (#566)
- Bug: Windows 10 shows Windows 7 caption bar (#589)
- Bug: Accent and chars in spanish tasks duplicates in view (#585)
- Bug: Changing client number can cause problems or crash (#594)

Project Timer - Beta (14-08-2015)

- Bug: Amount displays all open project including the archived one > display only active projects (#569)
- Bug: Close all action not synchronized, so is lost in the cloud (#567)
- Bug: Default activity duration in settings not correct shown (#566)
- Bug: Windows 10 shows Windows 7 caption bar (#589)
- Bug: Accent and chars in spanish tasks duplicates in view (#585)
- Bug: Changing client number can cause problems or crash (#594)
- Feature: Freese client in invoice (#538)
- Feature: New admin project list that support scrollwheel and categories

Project Timer - Beta (10-08-2015)

- Bug: Amount displays all open project including the archived one > display only active projects (#569)
- Bug: Close all action not synchronized, so is lost in the cloud (#567)
- Bug: Default activity duration in settings not correct shown (#566)
- Feature: Klant bevriezen in invoice approved/paid/rejected (#538)

Project Timer - Major (31-07-2015)

- Feature: Roll out cloud feature (#324)
- Feature: Windows 10 compatible
- Feature: Interface improvements (Icons, styling, Modern UI, etc)
- Bug: ctrl-Insert inserts an empty line (#522)
- Bug: Task price usage in user editor invalid initial value (#520)
- Feature: Remember previously added users in cloud user editor (#519)
- Bug: When cutting and pasting timer data the VAT is set to 0 when the task is unknown (#518)
- Bug: Cloud polling refreshes the project list and resets the cursor position (#514)
- Bug: Cut and paste timerdata > add lines (#513)
- Bug: Duplicate invoice when not sorted (#511)
- Feature: New cloud login screen
- Feature: Cloud messages when user shares project etc.
- Bug: Client list in project screen not updated after adding client (#545)
- Bug: Delete clients is disabled after adding a new client (#544)
- Feature: add [place your notes here] in project memo field (#540)
- Bug: Switching between invoices with the preview mode on exports the wrong pdf filenam...

Project Timer - Minor (22-05-2015)

- Feature: Report project budget (#456)
- Feature: Invoice project budget (#455)
- Feature: Budget can be entered in project options (#454)
- Feature: Filters in invoices (#451)
- Feature: Budget field in project (#401)
- Fixed invoice hidden after fresh install
- Added invoice kind to select how the activities and budgets are invoiced
- Invoice report that shows invoices due etc.
- Bug: Invoices: Client of last or active item gets lost on page switch (#491)
- Bug: Edit user in project property menu without user selection gives error (#490)
- Bug: Budget table doesn't follow currency (#504)
- Bug: Swiss 'Fr.'' currency gives incorrect format. (#503)
- Bug: Popup counts budgets and fixed prices (#498)
- Feature: Clear timers (#497)
- Bug: Cannot start a timer on a Budget/Fix price type (#495)
- Feature: Invoice: Save PDF Path (#493)
- Bug: Sort invoices on date or invoice number (#492)
- Bug: Invoices: Client of last or active item gets lost on page switch (#491)
- Bug: Edit user in...

Project Timer - Beta (18-05-2015)

- Feature: Additional report type that shows the activities in chronological order per selected period. (#507)
- Feature: Remember report settings per project (#502)
- Feature: Save and load report settings (#501)
- Bug: Issue in report filter scaling (#510)

Project Timer - Beta (18-05-2015)

- Feature: Additional report type that shows the activities in chronological order per selected period. (#507)
- Feature: Remember report settings per project (#502)
- Feature: Save and load report settings (#501)

Project Timer - Beta (01-05-2015)

- Bug: Budget table doesn't follow currency (#504)
- Bug: Swiss 'Fr.'' currency gives incorrect format. (#503)
- Bug: Popup counts budgets and fixed prices (#498)
- Feature: Clear timers (#497)
- Bug: Cannot start a timer on a Budget/Fix price type (#495)
- Feature: Invoice: Save PDF Path (#493)
- Bug: Sort invoices on date or invoice number (#492)
- Bug: Invoices: Client of last or active item gets lost on page switch (#491)
- Bug: Edit user in project property menu without user selection gives error (#490)

Project Timer - Beta (24-04-2015)

- Changed budget from project to activities
- Added invoice kind to select how the activities and budgets are invoiced
- Invoice report that shows invoices due etc.
- Bug: Invoices: Client of last or active item gets lost on page switch (#491)
- Bug: Edit user in project property menu without user selection gives error (#490)

Project Timer - Beta (24-04-2015)

- Changed budget from project to activities
- Added invoice kind to select how the activities and budgets are invoiced
- Invoice report that shows invoices due etc.

Project Timer - Beta (02-04-2015)

- Fixed invoice hidden after fresh install
- Budget invoice has optional activities.

Project Timer - Beta (23-03-2015)

- Bug: Invoices ignores currency setting (#452)
- Feature: Report project budget (#456)
- Feature: Invoice project budget (#455)
- Feature: Budget can be entered in project options (#454)
- Bug: After create invoice the new invoice should be selected (#453)
- Feature: Filters in invoices (#451)
- Feature: Budget field in project (#401)

Project Timer - Major (20-03-2015)

- Feature: Project connected to client database (#429)
- Feature: Invoices connected to client database (#428)
- Feature: Client database added (#427)
- Bug: Report Filter from and to time is broken (#417)
- Bug: change FAT in VAT in settings (#414)
- Bug: Delete activity from invoice when there are no activities causes a crash (#409)
- Bug: After Invoiced the status selection box needs a refresh. (#408)
- Feature: Show seconds in ProjectTimer (#432)
- Bug: No client number shows [Add...] (#431)
- Bug: Export seconds in csv: 0:00:00 (#430)
- PDF renderer allows OTF fonts
- Rich editor copy and paste fixed in clients
- Bug: Connect client in project to invoice (#448)
- Bug: Delete invoice activity should remove activity connection (#445)
- Bug: Project popup off screen after idle-time-out-message (#444)
- Feature: applicationlink to (#443)
- Bug: Projects view > grid > Description field has no minimum size (#440)
- Feature: Settings > Show totals in GUI features...

Project Timer - Minor (17-03-2015)

- Feature: Project connected to client database (#429)
- Feature: Invoices connected to client database (#428)
- Feature: Client database added (#427)
- Bug: Report Filter from and to time is broken (#417)
- Bug: change FAT in VAT in settings (#414)
- Bug: Delete activity from invoice when there are no activities causes a crash (#409)
- Bug: After Invoiced the status selection box needs a refresh. (#408)
- Feature: Show seconds in ProjectTimer (#432)
- Bug: No client number shows [Add...] (#431)
- Bug: Export seconds in csv: 0:00:00 (#430)
- PDF renderer allows OTF fonts
- Rich editor copy and paste fixed in clients
- Bug: Connect client in project to invoice (#448)
- Bug: Delete invoice activity should remove activity connection (#445)
- Bug: Project popup off screen after idle-time-out-message (#444)
- Feature: applicationlink to (#443)
- Bug: Projects view > grid > Description field has no minimum size (#440)
- Feature: Settings > Show totals in GUI features...

Project Timer - Beta (13-03-2015)

- Bug: Settings > Closing task bar shows 'show external prices' wrong (#449)
- Bug: Connect client in project to invoice (#448)
- Bug: Delete invoice activity should remove activity connection (#445)
- Bug: Project popup off screen after idle-time-out-message (#444)
- Feature: applicationlink to (#443)
- Bug: Settings > Use external prices > does not work, displays 0,00 instead of filled in rating (#441)
- Bug: Projects view > grid > Description field has no minimum size (#440)
- Feature: Settings > Show totals in GUI features (#439)
- Bug: Settings > Show totals in GUI >> Does not save settings (#438)
- Bug: Invoices: term Offered is confusing and incorrect. An offer is een offerte (#437)
- Bug: Clients: name, contact, address fields do not allow copy and paste (focus stays on Info field) (#436)
- Bug: Invoices: Invoice entries > Fields should not alway display 0,00, but somtimes you can a empty space field (#435)
- Feature: Invoice PDF file format in settings...

Project Timer - Beta (06-03-2015)

- Project properties also for local project
- PDF renderer allows OTF fonts
- Rich editor copy and paste fixed in clients

Project Timer - Beta (04-03-2015)

- Bug: Crash in client dialog fixed
- Feature: Show seconds in ProjectTimer (#432)
- Bug: No client number shows [Add...] (#431)
- Bug: Export seconds in csv: 0:00:00 (#430)

Project Timer - Beta (27-02-2015)

- Feature: Project connected to client database (#429)
- Feature: Invoices connected to client database (#428)
- Feature: Client database added (#427)
- Bug: Unknown server response when adding project. Should be catched (#421)
- Bug: Report Filter from and to time is broken (#417)
- Bug: change FAT in VAT in settings (#414)
- Bug: Delete activity from invoice when there are no activities causes a crash (#409)
- Bug: After Invoiced the status selection box needs a refresh. (#408)

Project Timer - Minor (06-02-2015)

- Bug: Preview invoice when there are no invoices results in crash (#405)
- Bug: Crash when no project is available and switching from Invoices to Projects (#403)
- Feature: Report Grouping by day (#394)
- Bug: Deleting a project that has connected invoices should ask for confirmation and explain the effect (#385)
- Bug: Deleting a project that has connected invoices crashes Project Timer (#384)
- Bug: Invoice status 'Invoiced' does not change activities connected as closed or invoiced automatically (with confirmation) (#383)

Project Timer - Beta (06-02-2015)

- Feature: Select user in report (#406)
- Bug: Preview invoice when there are no invoices results in crash (#405)
- Bug: Crash when no project is available and switching from Invoices to Projects (#403)
- Feature: Report Grouping by day (#394)
- Feature: Reports per person. As the data is available under each project. (#393)
- Bug: Deleting a project that has connected invoices should ask for confirmation and explain the effect (#385)
- Bug: Deleting a project that has connected invoices crashes Project Timer (#384)
- Bug: Invoice status 'Invoiced' does not change activities connected as closed or invoiced automatically (with confirmation) (#383)

Project Timer - Minor (23-01-2015)

- Bug: Deleting a project that has connected invoices crashes Project Timer (#384)
- Bug: Change FAT in headers to VAT (#378)
- Bug: In reports the date filter does not work correctly (Reported by Ron Termeer) (#355)

Project Timer - Beta (23-01-2015)

- Bug: Deleting a project that has connected invoices crashes Project Timer (#384)
- Added: Invoice Template custom fields

Project Timer - Beta (23-01-2015)

- Bug: Deleting a project that has connected invoices should ask for confirmation and explain the effect (#385)
- Bug: Deleting a project that has connected invoices crashes Project Timer (#384)
- Bug: Password not activated correctly after changing (#380)
- Bug: Change FAT in headers to VAT (#378)
- Bug: New Cloud projects get default black color instead of color cycle like new local projects (#377)
- Bug: In reports the date filter does not work correctly (Reported by Ron Termeer) (#355)

Project Timer - Major (16-01-2015)

- Added Invoicing
- Added print templates for invoicing
- Added print templates for reports
- Fixed number of bugs.

Project Timer - Beta (16-01-2015)

- Added Invoicing
- Added print templates for invoicing
- Added print templates for reports
- Added syncbhronization of tasks to the cloud
- Added Cloud project user options
- Fixed bugs in cloud

Project Timer - Major (16-10-2014)

- Bug: Color of the bar must be updated after color change (#331)
- Bug: Exception when clicking a project in admin screen (#329)
- Bug: Exception in grid format (#328)

Project Timer - Beta (16-10-2014)

- Moved templates to dlls
- Made templates for report printing

Project Timer - Beta (10-10-2014)

- Bug: All projects selected after startup (#332)
- Invoice print and PDF output with templates.

Project Timer - Beta (01-10-2014)

- Bug: Color of the bar must be updated after color change (#331)
- Bug: Exception when clicking a project in admin screen (#329)
- Bug: Exception in grid format (#328)
- Made start with Invoices

Project Timer - Beta (26-09-2014)

- Feature: Roll out cloud feature (#324)

Project Timer - Major (19-09-2014)

- Bug: Select project > DEL key (#309)
- Bug: Report option: No currencies, just hours (#308)
- Bug: Copy Cloud project name into project name editor (#292)
- Feature: Cloud: Better feedback on validate user (#291)
- Bug: Cloud: Remove project user doesn't work (#289)

Project Timer - Major (29-08-2014)

- Updater include major, minor and beta threads
- Bug: Portable exe should not read from profile (#287)
- Bug: Cloud: Prevent login with no credentials (#286)

Project Timer - Major (15-08-2014)

- Add activity dialog improved in status and task selection
- Improved exception handling
- Bug fixes

Project Timer - Major (29-07-2014)

- Add option to change currency (#283)
- Remove user column in local projects (only applicable to cloud projects) (#282)
- Hamburgermenu hooverover status > cursor (#264)
- Report option to hide in-out-time columns (#233)
- Check for updates also once per hour. (#204)

Project Timer - Major (04-07-2014)

- Fixed: project report shortcut doesn't open the actual selected project
- Fixed: project properties shortcut doesn't open the actual selected project
- Fixed: Minimized project screen is now opened when user clicks on project properties or report

About ProjectTimer

ProjectTimer is a light, fast, simple, non-intrusive Windows taskbar application to assists you with your workflow for administrating, invoicing and billing hours. It features an easy installation and clean un-install.

ProjectTimer is Windows 10  compatible

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